What happens if you fall short of your goal?

What happens if you fall short of your goal?

Ok, I concede defeat. A while back I started #the100dayproject where you are supposed to “explore your creativity” for 100 days. I decided to take it one step further and “create something new” every day for 100 days. Well, that was clearly silly…⁠

I went very well for the first 30 days and then hit a wall. However, I remembered that the organisers said you don’t have to do 100 ‘consecutive’ days, meaning that if you have a few hiccups, that’s fine. 

Just get back on the horse.⁠

The trouble was that I think my horse bolted! ⁠

And, try as I might, I didn’t get to the finish line. I reckon I got up to around day 67 or something and now I’m conceding defeat. Because the thought of completing the rest of the 100 days does not fill me with joy or enthusiasm.⁠

BUT, I’m still glad I did it. I’ve realised that I can at least run a creative marathon for 30 days! Not only did I enjoy that period, my creative output resulted in this portfolio, which has now been licensed in a number of categories.⁠

So if you think your goal is too big, go for it anyway. Even if you fall a bit short, you’re still going to be a lot further ahead than if you never tried in the first place.


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